This EuroPrime review tries to understand what makes this broker so bad

Never in the history of Forex trading has it been harder to be a legitimate broker in the EU that is also legitimately very bad about the service it delivers. Which is why the fact that the EuroPrime Forex broker has managed to achieve this, is one of the most impressive things we have ever seen. It is also one of the most disgusting things we have seen take place in the Forex industry in the past several years, which is why we decided to create a review that would thoroughly thrash the company, for every single misstep that the broker has ever made. So, with all of these mistakes, you might ask yourself, are there any qualities of the broker that are actually good? Well, in order to make sure that you don’t accidentally think so, we are going to go through the list of all of the broker’s qualities in order to find if they have managed to mess that one up too. This, I think, is going to be one very interesting ride through the rollercoaster of nope that the EuroPrime FX brokerage is.
What about the page? review
Well, the page of the broker is actually not the worst quality it has. Even though the broker has managed to mess up everything about it, there are still a few redeeming qualities. First, we can start off by talking about the design of the page. It only makes me think that somebody who has not realized that website design has moved past the 90s built the page. What is more, the navigation through the website is pretty bad as well. It involves clicking more buttons and links than it should and all of the information that could have been easily contained on a single page is scattered across multiple. This creates the need to waste more time on the EuroPrime review of the page than it needs. If a trader is looking for a broker they don’t want to spend half of all of the free time they have simply learning about the broker. The only time information is provided together is when the broker discussed the account types they are offering to their users.
Offering such a stratified, pay for the class system is one of the things that we dislike about the company. It means that in order to be treated better, you need to pay more. This is easily noticeable in the service the broker provides to the standard users, where it tends to put their needs way below of the other accounts, even though they are the most numerous of the users.
What about the platform?
The platform is terrible. Well, at least the way the broker manages to implement the platform and integrate it into their system is pretty atrocious. The broker offers its users a chance to use the SIRIX web trader, which is, according to them, one of the best trading platforms that have ever been invented. The thing is, it is not. If it was, more brokers would be offering the chance to trade with the SIRIX system. It is, though, an adequate trading platform that allows users who do not have much need or use for in-depth analysis and tracking tools to do their business quickly and easily. What irritates us to no end about the fact that the broker is promoting the SIRIX system to be the best solution to every problem that has ever been faced by traders. It is not, and the fact that the broker is doing whatever they can to promote it to so lowers my EuroPrime opinion significantly. Not that it was a high opinion anyway.
At least the SIRIX system also comes with a decent application that allows users to trade their favourite assets on the go. While the broker also promotes this option as the best thing ever, it really is not. There are hundreds of brokers that offer better mobile platform solutions in the shapes of an app or even just a browser-based trader to their users. The application is nice to have, but the broker still fails to provide the users with reliability in the platform, with occasional bugs and freezes plaguing the platform. This just means some terrible trading experiences for the brokers that result in traumatic experiences and a terrible influence on the capital of the trader. I just wish the broker would get up and start offering their users a EuroPrime MT4.
What about the EuroPrime withdrawals and deposits?
Those are terrible too. You see, when your first get onto the website of the broker, they show you a big banner that says “0%* commission on all deposits”. You might have noticed that little asterisk right there. That is what should tip you off to the fact that the broker is pretty terrible. That little asterisk then goes on to explain that there can actually be occasional charges on the deposits, but what is even more, is that there will be charges on withdrawals from time to time too. As a result, ay money that you make might still be taken by the company as part of the deposit fees or whatever they want to call it. This is probably the most terrible piece of false advertising that they have provided to the users and it is what has formed so many of my negative EuroPrime opinions. I don’t even care about their list of all of the payment systems they accept, which is diverse enough, including cards, some eWallets and so on and so on. The fact that they want to charge you for deposits and withdrawals “from time to time” is what tells me that they are as close to being a scam without actually being a scam as it gets.
Displaying false information in order to convince users to start trading with the broker is one of the worst things that the broker can do. And this is something of a running quality that they have. Most of the services they provide can have an asterisk next to them, with a small disclaimer stating that the broker does not actually provide this service, but one that is slightly different. Which is why I am only an inch away from calling the EuroPrime fraud and moving on. The only thing I am not doing it is because there are more details to the company and because they are still counted among the legitimate companies because of those specific qualities.
What about education, customer service and leverage?
The broker does offer all three of these items, but all three of them are pretty not okay. First, the education platform that the broker provides is underwhelming, to say the least. Some of the lessons that would be crucial for the traders to go through are missing, while some of the more advanced concepts are explained much earlier than they should be. This shows that the educational platform that they so proudly provide to their users is pretty much incomplete and pretty much useless unless the user simply wants to remind themselves of some of the concepts and need to take a couple of seconds to skim through the text.
The customer service is okay, I guess. They are polite and helpful and getting in touch with them is not too complicated. There are several ways to do so, including live chat and phone call. The only thing is, a user would have to leave their number in order to receive a callback, which is something that annoys me to no end. Why can’t somebody just pick up and how is this different from sending an email? Many EuroPrime reviews talk about how the service is relatively underwhelming, but the help is provided when it is needed, which is a good quality to have.
The leverage seems to be the biggest issue with the broker. On their banner that they so proudly display, the broker states that they are able to provide up to 1:400 leverage. This is illegal in Europe, which is why there is a little Asterisk specifying that they are only able to provide this leverage to users who are pro traders, while the retail trader only gets 1:30. This is not a bad thing, but it would have been nicer if the broker did not use this opportunity as a chance to falsely advertise what they are able to do with their retail customers.
Can EuroPrime be trusted?
I will leave this up to your interpretation, simply because the subject gives me a nervous tick. You see, the broker has been given a license to operate by the Belize FSC, which is a regulatory body that somehow allows them to operate in Europe. So if you want to know “is EuroPrime legit?” then the answer is yes, kind of. It has been licensed to operate by an official regulator which is good enough for many, but honestly, the terrible service it provides makes me wonder why anyone would even consider trading with these guys.
The many reviews you see online about the broker is what should tip you off to not trading with them. Many of these talk about how the EuroPrime promotions about what they offer and what kind of services they provide being misleading. Many people only discover the whole leverage thing after they have already deposited their money with the broker, which is a terrible sign and a testament to what the broker is trying to get their users to do.
Defining the final EuroPrime rating
It would be hard for me to say that this broker is anything other than bad, which is why you are seeing the rating that they have been given, which would be considered to be terrible anywhere else in the world. Just know that one thing to do is to avoid these guys altogether, and you will be fine in your trading
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